Saturday, September 1, 2007

The geopolitics post 9/11

9/11 has been an incident which has divided the world into 2 distinct groups; those who hail this as a slap on the face for US and white (and thus Christian supremacy) and those who take this as a slap on the face on anything democratic.

And thats where the issue lies; it doesnt lie in the fact that the event was funded by Islamic radicals (though I have read enough "theories" which states that perhaps the American govt was as involved in the bombings as the Islamic radicals)
But ok thats one thing I am not writing about; it is the approach ppl have towards it.
Frankly its not that I have been touched by this incident personally or that I am writing it on a an eve (almost) of the incidents 6 yrs; nothing like that; what started me off was this article in the Economist (read the last paragraph)

Most ppl look at 9/11 as a great tragedy which unfolded the banning of the Al Qaeda and the invasion of Iraq; (the debacle of which ie the Iraq invasion) which resulted in the prominence of Iran in geopolitics and thereafter the failed Israeli invasion on southern Lebanon, which is now leading to the revival of the rightist party in Israel and the fall of Gaza into Hamas' hand; so basically to a point where in the Mid East is becoming into a time bomb with a very short fuse
.. yeah so everyone knows that right
... and I am not even talking of the Afghan issue and the impact it is having on our dear neighbour Pakistan.

I again reiterate to see the basis of this problem; read what I have written up
The ppl who support radical Islamists see this face for US and white (and thus Christian) supremacy; so there are certain parties who are not even radical Islamists but arein favor of this and there you have some African nations, and the biggest one being Russia.
Of course Russia has its own issue with terrorism (Islamic & otherwise), but Russia is something which the other democratic countries aren't i.e. Putin can have any place bombarded w/o a single thought of why/why not; look @ Chechnya!

The second group comprises the whatever comes under the political definition of "liberal" across religions and countries who take this as a slap on the face on anything democratic. But the issue with most liberalists is that they are exactly that .. they are way too liberal to be made to force a point across. They want to be mid way ie not say anything which will be seen or heard as being forceful.
So they will use the logic that yeah 9/11 was bad but then the West has been funding the terrorists for long and terrorists needing a motive to kill would obviously move to the hand htat feeds them. Basic logic; but yeah why say it; claim 9/11 as being just that!
Something that should not happen ever!
Now all of you liberals will hit at me as saying that the west has been responsible and talk of the stripping of Gaza and the resurgance of Shia/Sunni enemity by favoring Iraq in the Iran/Iraq war and how the Pushtuns (and tribes from NWFP) were pushed into warfare against the Russians in Afghanistan and how that led to the birth of Al Qaeda.
But hey; read again I AM saying all that happened; but we are talking of 9/11 as being just that and what happened consequently.

How many of us claim 9/11 to be the date which changed the world forever? Everyone; but do you actually think how it has? Well when "liberal" countries like Sweden and Switzerland (who was neutral during the 2 wars) have issues about minarets and seemingly generous Muslim people in Europe start saying that they feel the need to be more conservative its that when you stat worrying about having kids

Honestly would you want to raise kids into a world like this?
I would like to see how the next 5 years move; esp now when the hegemony of US no longer exists and the Russians have re-started flying long range bombers on squad missions. Beautiful weapons those.
Oh yeah I have not used the word China even once because the Chinese know what Shun Tzu (did I get it right) meant best; let 2 big enemies fight and then go and take the spoils. and trust me Chinese know what they want! And its not just noodles and momos.

I am not menitoning India because we Indians take pride in the fact that we have never invaded another country; well yeah because they were busy invading us!
Hahahahaahha; bloody hell.


Cool said...

shool! why don't u join economist and become a political analyst!! anyways u have to be that also while tracking markets!!!

Anshul said...

zenk you zenk you
I wish I could buy a Euro100mn put on the USD
how goes?