Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Bad Karma", Quake and Americans

This relates to the recent Sharon Stone statement quipping the recent Chinese earthquake as a result of bad karma
Now, I dont really care what stars do and call for because a) they are the biggest hypocrites in the world - successful, rich and all; but at the same time most prone to depression, manical tendencies and drug abuse.
And b) they are in a position to really do something for the society in general and very few actually end up doing it (prime egs being Indian stars and prime exlcusions being Prince Charles, Bono, Richard Gere, and The One foundation).
So you will rarely ever see me with a magazine or paper which talks about their lives except when I come to know someone has done an amazingly stunning thing (which may be a positive - a rarity) (or maybe another stupid thing - more the rule) or except when I am at the barber shop.
The above being the premise from I am coming where and the following would be my argument and then perhaps an unsaid conclusion.
When I heard Sharon Stone made this statement I went on youtube (where else); heard what she had to said, guffawed a few times and then decided to blog on it.
You see, I am not making a claim on whether whats happening in Tibet is right or wrong - as far as I am concerned; no people shoud be ruled against their wishes or their living standards be subjugated; but this blog is not about the Tibetan issue.
The point is this - what I find quite disgusting is that you are linking such a tragedy with anything relating to karma.
Karma - good or bad - cannot be justified for measuring deaths.
Its the Chinese policy makers who are at fault and not its people. Had the quake affected the policy makers' homes etc then perhaps one could say its justifiable; but no way can you link it to the deaths and tragedy surrounding poor and helpless people like that of Sichuan.
And frankly what has Sharon Stone done to deserve any good karma besides performing adultress activities all over. You may say thats being mean; but hey come on she was an unkown performer before Basic Instinct and we know the remaining.
And frankly, look at how China managed the entire tragedy; bang within hours all supplies were in place and even after 4 days the search for survivors went unabated, money poured in from everywhere (Cathay Pacific raised about US$350K, BNPP contributed more than that); there were banners all over in HK asking for contributions and ppl were putting in upwards of HK$100 while moving in and out - the point being that people in HK and other parts of China felt required to help in this tragedy.
When New Orleans happened in USA; there were firing at mobs to prevent them from looting. And after 3 yrs of the tornado; life is still not back to normal in parts of Florida. Bombay was up the next day after the rains and the bomb blasts (and I was party to both).
... so whats the karma Ms Stone is talking about?
Most of America has no culture or no history to fall back on - her people are split about being more receptive to gays, Iraq, chosing between a woman, a war veteran and an African-American, they have to sooner or later come to terms with the fact that their geo-political prowess is a hting of the past. Perhaps they will all become an inward looking society.
America reminds me of a closed room with double way mirrors ... all can look into what Americans are doing; but the Americans cant or are too bothered about their ownself to be bothered about it.. which is even worse.
Open to Qs.