Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I know ...

the TRUE meaning of 20 stories; have done 2 freefalls from that height
the difference between the 3 types of Glens (Feddich; Moranjee and Livett); just dont know which is Midlands
that bungee jumping should be done on an empty stomach
the no of days your maid has been absent by the color of your socks and underwears
that Roger Waters sucks without the entire troupe of Floyd
that when you look at faults in others you are just trying to mirror yourself onto them
that Lobo is the best song writer to listen to when you are with a girl you love/like
that champagne is the best alcohol to give if you want the girl to get in the "mood"
that if ever Amit Seymor reads this blog; he will not go beyond the above statement before trying it out on someone
I know Ruchika Misra will just shake her head when she goes thru this
that RIL IN Equity is the best Indian stock and YOU should buy
the feeling of the first few drops of rain on your head and the time taken to enjoy it and look up with half a smile is one of the best moments in life
that black coffee does wonders to a hangover
that I love watches esp if they are fake; so BRING them on
that the best time to be with family is winters cause then you can cuddle up to mom and ask dad to make some tea
that there is nothing better in my life than to get up at 7 am and realise that today is an off and I can sleep
that there is nothing more pissing off than not being heard/noticed
that if you are not being heard/noticed; well then you just HAVE to be heard/noticed
that there is no greater pride than of a father for his son and a mother for her daughter
that being scared at times is the worst thing I have in me; that explains the bungess and the sky-walking; but still cant call up a friend and say sorry
that I love my work and I cant understand why so many people keep complaining about work and still be at it 24/7
that education is something I will always want more of
that I wouldnt have said the above line even 2 yrs back
that I am a kid at times; but hey who doesnt like a bit of attention
that Zarreen Khan is one of my most favorite babes and if I didnt mention her; she will get mad and so will Anchit but he isnt a babe of course; he is a dude!
that its 1:30 am and I am writing all this which I love doing

so in short

Friday, February 16, 2007

Random thoughts on my life

Its funny how life takes off ... when I was a kid I never thought of life beyong JNU; hten Delhi and hten my only dream was to come and work in Bombay and thats where I was. I remember 2 yrs back I use to debate with my uncles on the non-requiremnet of venturing out of India as I have always felt that growth in India on a personal scale will be 10x more than what I could get abroad. so if anyone would have told me that I was shifting to Sg and hten HK even 1.5 yrs back I would be like yeah .. right and well here I am. Funny when you think that this time in 2006 on a saturday I would be sitting with a friend and discuss whether coffee in Lonavala or Khandala for coffee and now here I am sitting and thinking whether hike in Lantau or venture out to Donwuan (China)... though I still feel that India will give good growth opportuities but sadly India IS 10 yrs back when compared to China and 20 yrs back to the rest of the developed world; I am sure I can and will play some role in brdging the gap fast.

Watch this movie "In the pursuit of happiness" I thnk will Smith has beaten everyone with his role performance and apparently its a true story. Its maddening what the guy could do and has done. I want to be someone like that who can stand up one day with the air of self respect and be like; yeah I KNOW I have achieved IT.

Markets do a bad thing to you; you start looking at everything from a return point of view; I was always gung ho on picking up a Harley Davidson and had even signed up for a Fat Boy edition; then I thought I am paying X for it; it will depreciate almost immediately; in 1 yr I will get "X less 25%" if I have to sell it; whereas if I buy Reliance stock I can at least make 15% return from here; so Fat Boy is now on the backseat and yes ZK so is the Mini Cooper.

Two of my closest babes' in India will eventually be getting married someitme this year and then I will have no one to get drunk and disturb in the middle of the night. At times I feel they want to get married to save from this ordeal only.

I was in Sg for 7 months and when I shifted to HK I created a group on Orkut for my bacthmates from school (Don Bosco); and hten realised that 2 of my close buddies from school lived (literally speaking) at spititng distance from my flat in Sg. And even they didnt know hte other was there. So next weekend I am off to Sg and we are having an alumni party there!

When I was in Bombay; I had a cool set of neighbors and we used to party; kill each other; rob clothese wear them 34 times and return them unwashed; basically act worse than KG kids; but it was the simplicity of relationship of Zero expectations and 100% reliance on hte other which made us bind together so well. even now when I go to Bombay; we meet as if there has been no gap in coversation; there is no "catching up"; its just fun talk; serious talk about life and then "guys I really have to go; flight is in 2 hours" same is with friends in Delhi; my firends have 0 expectations from me but I know I can turst them 100%.

There is a small gang of us from my campus that I am still in touch with; would it be up to me; I would like to decrease it even more .. but have to be NICE as some of my cousins and friends tell me. Problem is that I cant be nice; I am an impatient guy who likes to see things straight off and tlak straight and not be worried about who thinks what; so when I meet some of these from campus I am amazed how shallow and inconsiderate they are to others' yet not many see that.
Niceties are for later; lets see what you are on the table and then take things up. For I know that when going gets tough I will be there for my friends and they for me; hte nice guys always back out first or suddenly have their cellphones off. Funny ppl; I feel sad for them. I rmmeber we had this huge fight in campus and as I was running with 2 other guys I just turned around to see who all was there and that was IT; 3 guys to fight 40 ppl and the remaining junta was just sitting there.

In my entire life of 27 yrs and say 12 yrs since realising that women are "fun" (I was in a boys school so by the time I got dis-interested in fights; it was quite late); I have been out on V Day only 3 times.
So this year in HK I saw like tons of roses coming in and going out of office I was like shit man need to change my life and SHIT man I cant be seen drinking withhte usual lot of guys I hang around with ... so the first prick was yeah well no roses to get or send and WHAT REALLY HURT was NO BEER!!!!!

Anyways; have a conference call coming up.
Next blog in a weeks' time; tonight I drink.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bachelor parties gone AWFULLY wrong!!!!!!!

All are true life incidents of things gone awfully wrong; of course all the stories happened with some other ppl that I didnt know of until tonight when one of hte incidents mentiend below took place; so at the cost of my being drunk and having wasted a night to Macau; against which I had to listen to all of these; though wont complain for I am still laughing ... hope nothing like this happens to me or any of you who reads this!!!
Some of you (who read this) might know whom I am tlaking about ... and you were with me last night!!

Guys are X and women are Y. And all are different stories of course.

X1 and Y have a dhoom dharaka marriage ... on the suhag raat when X1 "loses it" to his "love" .. which seemingly is Y; Y says she loves someone else and before he has a chance to react she says she needs to go to the loo ... in total Rachel style she runs away to her love X2 ... and in one week X2 dumps her and she wants to go back to X1 ... yeh of course X1 says fukk off. Wonder where Ross was then?

X1 and Y are going around for 1 yr; break up. X2 and Y go around for 3 yrs break up; X3 and Y plan to get married ... "something" happens (still a mystery) and Y goes back to X1 after a "night" with X2 .. Shubhash Ghai .. you listening?

X and Y get married .. Y realises after one week X gets more hot when Y dresses up as a guy ... yup you guessed it X is gay.

Y is a very inquisitive woman ... she keeps asking X on one drunken night "if I wasnt in your life who would you love" and after repeated shaking of my head to say no one but you ... X says well if you weren't there as in if I had never met you ... it would have been Y2 (pardon him ... she was really pestering and he was very drunk) and so X and Y call off engagement ... dont worry guys. I still got drunk.

X is in USA; his parent have an arranged marriage planned for him; he comes and meets Y; all is wel and after 2 months of chatting and stuff they decide to get married; X comes down to Bombay for his engagement; Y says lets meet before engagement; engagement is 5 days BEFORE this incident. X and I go and meet Y; Y says she loves someone else; I look at her and ask why now and she shrugs her shoulders; X is speechless so I do the talking and in 5 minutes tell X to go and get drunk. of yeah she alos says hope you understand ... and X says WHAT??

Of course this is the guys' side of thing ... but trust me it cost me a bottle of Old Monk ... damn!

So cheers to all of you who got mentioned here ... its ascrew up I know but at least the remaining 8 guys got a good laugh ... a small respite for a missed Macau trip and a possible strip tease.