Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I know ...

the TRUE meaning of 20 stories; have done 2 freefalls from that height
the difference between the 3 types of Glens (Feddich; Moranjee and Livett); just dont know which is Midlands
that bungee jumping should be done on an empty stomach
the no of days your maid has been absent by the color of your socks and underwears
that Roger Waters sucks without the entire troupe of Floyd
that when you look at faults in others you are just trying to mirror yourself onto them
that Lobo is the best song writer to listen to when you are with a girl you love/like
that champagne is the best alcohol to give if you want the girl to get in the "mood"
that if ever Amit Seymor reads this blog; he will not go beyond the above statement before trying it out on someone
I know Ruchika Misra will just shake her head when she goes thru this
that RIL IN Equity is the best Indian stock and YOU should buy
the feeling of the first few drops of rain on your head and the time taken to enjoy it and look up with half a smile is one of the best moments in life
that black coffee does wonders to a hangover
that I love watches esp if they are fake; so BRING them on
that the best time to be with family is winters cause then you can cuddle up to mom and ask dad to make some tea
that there is nothing better in my life than to get up at 7 am and realise that today is an off and I can sleep
that there is nothing more pissing off than not being heard/noticed
that if you are not being heard/noticed; well then you just HAVE to be heard/noticed
that there is no greater pride than of a father for his son and a mother for her daughter
that being scared at times is the worst thing I have in me; that explains the bungess and the sky-walking; but still cant call up a friend and say sorry
that I love my work and I cant understand why so many people keep complaining about work and still be at it 24/7
that education is something I will always want more of
that I wouldnt have said the above line even 2 yrs back
that I am a kid at times; but hey who doesnt like a bit of attention
that Zarreen Khan is one of my most favorite babes and if I didnt mention her; she will get mad and so will Anchit but he isnt a babe of course; he is a dude!
that its 1:30 am and I am writing all this which I love doing

so in short


Still Searching said...

This is THE nicest post you have ever come up with! Somewhere during reading this, I found a small glimpse of the guy I was with! :-)

Zee said...

"that Zarreen Khan is one of my most favorite babes and if I didnt mention her; she will get mad and so will Anchit but he isnt a babe of course; he is a dude!"

no i would not idiot!!!

"that there is nothing better in my life than to get up at 7 am and realise that today is an off and I can sleep"

not the best thing to read when you have a week and weekend full of work to go :(

Anshul said...

Ruchi .. which guy you talking about?
ZK .. tera kuchch nahin ho sakta.

Cool said...

found this a continuation of "random thoughts in my life"..
though on a little different plane

Cool said...

and in principle agree with you i started blogging and am grateful to the guy/girl who started it but not
if it's gal who started it, i don't mind being in love with her (she must be damn rich:))