Sunday, May 6, 2007

You fancy a beer?

In one week from now when my parents reach HK; this propensity of asking this Q of friends/colleagues etc will reduce to a tenth.

I love beer as in there is no such thing that can compare with beer for me. Yeah sex and food are there; but they dont compare to beer at least not in the mood when I take beer on.

I have a decent beer belly; I know with the amount I run/lift weights/and be active in life; I could easily be down to 70kgs (my target) but beer and food are 2 things I cant live w/o.
I am 75 right now; down from 83 about 6 months back. Yeah ZK just 5 kgs more than your gorgeous self.

Anyways coming back to the beer.
The funda with HK is that there are pubs everywhere .. next to my office and I mean within like 5 minutes walking time from my desk there are 4. On my way from office to home, if I just walk in a straight line you can see at least 40 and lets not even tlak about the actual party places.
On top of that most of my friends are single guys/girls; so its very easy to say dude/babe just one and then we are off.
I think till date only twice has it happened that I have had ONE beer and moved off ... once it was a girl and the second time it was bonus period and my boss called me as soon as I sat down with the beer.

The disadvantages are too many and we all know them, but just the first sip of a super chilled Carlsberg or Heineken (pints) after a bloody long/tiring/dull day at work is enough to say ... man I can do this just one more time.
Beer also lets loose the tongue and I have NOW finlaly controlled calling and singing songs to some friends. Point to note when I have called with Septik in tow was when we were drinking Old Monk (rum) so the beer induced emotional and singing outbursts are now over.
For sometime I had given up beer .. like for about a month and half ... switched to red wine and stuff; but then beer got me back and thouhg not back with a vengeance I realised I missed it too much.

Anyways, my dad comes in a weeks time and I need to reduce a bit more; although I know he likes Carlsberg a lot; so though it will get reduced I dont see a reason why I wont be enjoying more of it!

Cheers and enjoy!


Cool said...

hey man... you toched the right topic.. around 8-10 days back i had beer after a long long time... and then i realised whati had given up ... there were reasons i had to lose weight so beer was out... but now its back and target for summers is to maintain weight :)).... and i am enjoying eer regularly.. and i prefer our haywayrds 5K or kingfisher strong than heinken or carlsberg....

ps: beer is back as i don't have AC at home and in summers can't have other drinks without AC :)

Still Searching said...

Only you can dedicate an entire post to Beer! Heheheh..

puneet_sahani said...

Fundu! saale how can you not mention any of our debaucheries??