I have always been very moved when I hear of someone (related or not) really make it big in life (s/he doesnt have to be a known personality), but has just become big after starting from humble beginnings.
Last night I was watching a movie called The Invincible, its a true life story about Vince Papale (a bartender becoming American Football's oldest "rookie). After that I was discussing it with a friend and she rightfully pointed that there can be enough examples to highlight w/o they being celebreties.
In my office alone; I have very senior colleagues who have been (individually) life guard, someone who had to borrow money to buy a suit for his interview, an orphan at the age of 12 (in fact my dad was 1 at the age of 7 and I am so proud of him), and the list is endless. Among my friends I have enough examples of ordinary guys going thru tough times and coming out of it winning.
And it makes you wonder, these guys all started from such humble and in a few cases far below humble backgrounds and just stuck to it.
In fact more on the above discussion (the 1 with my friend), we also conversed on how every one worth his/her salt works for 12 hours at least but not every one makes the same amount of money and that is not a matter of chance (of course luck plays a role) but more to it; it has to also do with what choices we make.
Our choices define us and these need to be made thinking 5 years ahead and not what job and money am I getting right now. Sadly so many of us get caught in that shit and then cant get out of it.
There are so many of us (me included) who just get stuck to shitty things like "oh where am I headed" and "why does this happen to me" when what we need to focus on is just to say fukk it and move on with life.
Self pity is worth that only ... get over it before you get under it.
In short money aint everything; if you love what you do, you are already far richer. That doesnt mean you become satisfied with what you are; but yeah grow.
Life is good and it always gets better.