Saturday, March 31, 2007

HK 7s

"Mate you have to be there ALL 3 days"
ok hmm hmmm ... what exactly are we tlaking about ... blank looks at me ... as if I had just told a ghost that he was actually alive
So I was made ot sit on the net during office hours and research on what is the 7s and why it is the 7s and why it is a MUST event to be at.
Anyways I goes there; ok the seriousness of the sport is such ....
See in my job in the equity markets you have to have a real good reason not being on the desk when the markets are on.
During the 7s (it starts on a friday and ends on a sunday; 3 day event); on the Friday is whats called a Long Lunch wherein beer starts off at 1 and then you head off straight to the stadium by 4:30. I got Box seats for telling my colleagues that they could go for hte opening.

Saturday is going to start at 11 for me (surprise!) and its going to be one long day of beer JUST beer and people go mad on beer! I have NEVER seen so much beer
So I should sleep now to be ready for it tomorrow. If I am back at anice hour; will continue my blog from here.
But the game is fun; no doubts and the beer and the women

Didnt go on Saurday as decded we should be there whole of Sunday in the afternoon sun drinking beer.
Anyways; started of drinking beer @ 10 and was on till 5 when I got so slugged got up and came back
Trust me you want to see the snaps to know what all happens @ The 7s so wil put them up.
Blogging on that wont help.


Still Searching said...

And I still don't know at the end of the post, what the 7s are!

Zee said...

maybe it's just me but i didn't get a word of this post!

Cool said...

Shool Boy, whatever 7s is sounds very interesting so please elaborate....